Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Young Mothers need Yoga supplies for class

It is no secret that mothers rarely get the opportunity to take time for themselves – to charge their ever drained batteries. Yet, women are consistently reminded of how important it is to our health and relationships to take time for themselves and reduce stress. Articles are written about it in our favorite magazines and local newspapers; there are featured stories about it on our favorite talk shows and news programs. And everyone serves up their own tips and suggestions for busy moms to squeeze in that sacred personal time. Some mothers heed the warnings and sign up for an exercise class or women’s club while their child stays home with the child’s father or babysitter. But a low income single mother cannot afford the extra childcare costs outside of her work hours any more than she can pay for a fitness class. What can be done?

This is the question that Assisting Young Mothers (AYM) staff have been challenged with as they assist young mothers move towards independence. Staff focused their attention toward exercise related activities in early 2011 and explored realistic opportunities for the residents. While AYM staff searched for a long-term solution, they personally volunteered to exercise with residents while volunteers provided childcare. In mid April, Alternative House was approached by a yoga enthusiast who wished to share her passion with teenagers. AYM staff welcomed this opportunity. AYM will host monthly yoga sessions for their residents which will focus on stretching, poses, mediation, and stress relief. AYM residents who are pregnant will also be able to participate, doing modified positions and poses.

The first yoga class is scheduled for May 23, 2011. Before we begin, AYM needs to obtain 6 yoga mats to provide the grip and stickiness needed for the exercises. Residents would also benefit from 6 yoga straps and 6 yoga blocks, which help users build flexibility and assist with challenging poses. AYM will be happy to accept any new or used mats, straps, or blocks.
The physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga are well documented. AYM hopes that our residents will experience increased patience and model positive coping mechanisms for their children as a direct result of participating in the yoga program.

Autumn Grigg

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